Mindfulness or Mindlessness Presentation

May 7, 2024 (12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)

Location: Virtual

Mindfulness or Mindlessness: helpful tips, when it works and doesn’t, and all things about how to calm down (when appropriate)

In this hour's presentation, David MacPhee will cover what is mindfulness. How mindfulness can endorse mental wellness. The times and situations when mindfulness is not helpful. Unpacking stress and what it means to “calm down” as well as in-session mindfulness practice.

David MacPhee (he/him) is a registered social worker and works in the Acadia Counselling Centre as the Case Manager/intake coordinator/ and clinical therapist. His interest in mindfulness has developed through attending retreats, books, podcasts, and workshops since 2002. Mindfulness informs his practice as a therapist, husband, and therapist. David is a CBT and Narrative Therapy trained clinician.

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