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Alumni Identification Cards

Your Acadia alumni card is how to be recognized as an alumnus of ˽ÈËÓ°Ôº. With it, you can purchase an Athletics Complex facility pass at a discount, enjoy free library privileges, and gain admittance to the Axe Lounge. You will also get a 10 per cent discount at Cajun’s and the Campus Store.

Please contact the Advancement Office at 1-902-585-1459 or e-mail alumni.office@acadiau.ca to arrange for a card to get a replacement.

 Alumni & Friends

 Development Office


Office of Alumni Affairs
˽ÈËÓ°Ôº Alumni Hall
512 Main Street
Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6
Toll free in North America:
1.866.ACADIAU (1.866.222.3428)
902.585.1069 (FAX)