Health Nurse Message to Campus - Acadia Rapid Testing Clinic Now Open

Hi everyone,

It is finally here. Acadia Rapid Testing Clinic will be opening for the first time tomorrow August 23. This clinic is available to Acadia campus members only, including faculty, staff, students, and all Sodexo and Chartwells employees. It is completely voluntary, no appointment necessary, and you will receive your results through text message, within 30 minutes. This means that you do not have to wait around for your results, simply get tested and continue on with your daily business. Once you receive your results, acknowledge your receipt, so the system knows that you were able to view your results. If you do not have the ability to text, there will be an alternative method available at the time of registration.

Attached are some resources that you may interest to you as a participant. Our expectation from you as the participant, is to perform the actual test. If you review the PanBio Instruction Sheet that is attached, this refers to Step 1, only. The remaining Steps in the process will be done by the various volunteers. Each volunteer has been required to sign a confidentiality form and upon registration, your test receives a code only, with no indication of a name or identifier. Therefore, as the test moves through the process, it will remain completely confidential. If you test positive, you will be required to book a PCR test and will receive a phone call from the Occupational Health Nurse, who will ensure that confidentiality is maintained, provide guidance and answer any questions you may have, at that time.

We will be operating on campus weekly, at 2 different locations, on 2 separate days. If you prefer an afternoon clinic, come and brave Tropical Strom Henri tomorrow August 23rd and visit us in the basement of (45 Acadia Street), on campus, and get tested. This clinic will be open every Monday from 1:00pm- 4:00 pm at this location.

If you prefer a later clinic time, come and visit us at the Wolfville Room at (550 Main Street- main doors), on campus every Thursday from 4:30 pm- 7:30 pm.

If you are unable to make it into the clinic buildings because of any limitations or accessibility concerns, please email me with a timeframe of your arrival, and we will work around your concerns to ensure you have the opportunity to participate in this important prevention strategy.

We continue to provide training to the volunteers and are encouraging volunteers to pick up shifts. We have numerous positions available that are unique in their job tasks. We have an effective online sign up process that requires an Acadia email address, but if you do not have an Acadia email address and are working on campus and want to volunteer, an alternative method of sign up has been implemented. Please connect with your manager, who will be able to sign you up as a volunteer if you are interested, or alternatively, you can email me and I can assist in signing up for your preferred position for volunteering. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up at the following link, as the trainers will be available at the Chapel tomorrow for training:

Currently sign up options are limited to Monday (tomorrow), as the site remains under development for a few days. Keep checking back with the site periodically because moving forward there will be numerous opportunities to volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering, please connect with me and I can also place you on the volunteer list to receive communication in a timely fashion. You can also sign up at the link above. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please let me know, as I am continuing to work with technology services at Praxes Medical to address any concerns.

I want to thank everyone for their support in making this clinic a success and I look forward to seeing everyone there tomorrow.

Enjoy the rest of your day and stay hydrated,

Caroliina Landry  RN, BN, CPN(C)
Occupational Health Nurse COVID-19

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Contact residencelife@acadiau.ca for residence-related COVID-19 inquiries, and visit our Student Services page for mental health support and more.

Employees should speak with their direct supervisor.