Acadia moves toward cautious pool reopening model

Atlantic University Sport (AUS) is expected to make an announcement regarding return to competition for winter sports teams in the next few weeks. In anticipation of a potential AUS season, we will reopen the pool to provide our varsity swim team student-athletes with the facilities they need in order to compete, just as we do for other winter term sports.

If the pool is reopened for student-athletes, the expansion of pool access to the general public will be dependent on meeting safety requirements. If scheduling and management of students is successful, the return for other users to the pool is expected to take place in the new year. The University will use the time between allowing student use and the general reopening of the facility to review protocols related to pool use. The array of factors to consider include access to changing facilities, appointment scheduling, the maximum number of participants etc. Social distancing measures, mask requirements, and upgraded cleaning protocols will also be part of the requirements for return to use.

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