Campus Update: Campus status remains unchanged

Yesterday, a department head sent a message to a group of students and faculty out of an abundance of caution to temporarily cease in-person activities within that program. They were advised that a student in that program had chosen to self-isolate while a friend awaits a COVID-19 test result. Their friend is not connected to Acadia.

The University appreciates the student taking the extra precaution of self-isolating. However, there is no confirmed exposure to COVID-19 for that individual at this time.

We are sending this message to clarify the situation to our campus and community. And to let you know, there is no change to our campus status or permitted activities at this time.

This situation is a good opportunity to remind us to continue checking for COVID-19 symptoms daily before being on campus and staying away if we feel ill or exhibit symptoms. If you are instructed to self-isolate, please advise Safety and Security and follow up with your instructors or supervisor. Details for checking and contacting 811 are available on the COVID-19 information website.

We thank the individual student who is choosing to self-isolate for taking precautions, and we hope they will stay well.

If you have concerns or questions, please contact our Occupational Health Nurse Caroliina Landry.


Thank you,

Dr. Dale Keefe

Provost and Vice-President, Academic

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Contact residencelife@acadiau.ca for residence-related COVID-19 inquiries, and visit our Student Services page for mental health support and more.

Employees should speak with their direct supervisor.