From the President's Desk

Welcome to Fall 2020

It is a new day

Welcome to a new academic year at ˽ÈËÓ°Ôº! Although there is hardly a more beautiful campus than ours in the fall, some things will look and feel different as we implement public health guidelines to keep us safe.

We are beginning or continuing our journey at Acadia during a time of great uncertainty. The global pandemic is placing extraordinary challenges on us as students, faculty, and staff, and as members of the community. Because COVID-19 can affect each of us differently, continue to do your part to prevent transmission and support those around you. Please, stay vigilant and flexible.

This year more than ever, we are called upon to care for one other.

Acadia proud

Our campus community has been hard at work preparing for the fall term. I hope you will agree that we are all in this together and that we can make this year a success. As we welcome students and employees, either in person or remotely to Acadia, we can all be proud of getting to this day – the first day of classes!

Acadia is a nurturing place for learning, teaching, research, and community service, and we are here to prepare students for a complex world. Enjoy the learning experiences ahead, even the potential glitches, because this semester, we are all learning and growing. Our new normal is a work in progress.

Please continue to encourage your family, friends, and colleagues to be smart and safe. Wear your face mask, wash your hands, maintain physical distance, do your daily symptom check, and avoid large crowds. We’re counting on you to do your part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and make this an extraordinary year.

Thank you and all the best,


Dr. Peter Ricketts
President and Vice-Chancellor

PS - We will continue to post updates about our work to address COVID-19 on our information website.

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